Breaking Down JIT Provisioning & Account Linking in WSO2 Identity ServerThe WSO2 Identity Server is a leading open-source Identity and Access Management (IAM) solution that has been a leader in the IAM space for…Feb 16Feb 16
The future of CIAM with B2C, B2B & B2B2C business models.Customer Identity and Access Management (CIAM) is an emerging area that combines the security aspects of identity and access management…Jan 15, 20231Jan 15, 20231
Microservices Caching PatternsThe caching is a technique used in computer systems to boost the performance. The limitation of latency for the I/O bound tasks reduce the…Oct 12, 2022Oct 12, 2022
Application Level Proof of Possession for Access TokensThe OAuth 2.0 framework introduced a mechanism to delegate resource access for a third party on behalf of the resource owner. This paradigm…Oct 10, 2022Oct 10, 2022
WSO2 Identity Server Cluster SetupHi folks, In this blog I am going to setup WSO2 Identity Server as a clustered deployment. WSO2 Identity Server (WSO2 IS) is an API-driven…May 11, 20222May 11, 20222
First Step for Logging with Log4J2Hi folks, this is the beginning of logging with log4J2 blog series which I hope to share my experience on logging in Java with different…May 2, 2022May 2, 2022
Vulnerability Scanning with TrivyHi Folks, here I am going to share my experiences on vulnerability scanning using Trivy. Trivy is an open-source vulnerability scanner used…Apr 13, 2022Apr 13, 2022
Which OAuth Grant Type should we ChooseThe OAuth 2.0 is an industry standard protocol for access delegation. This well known authorization framework is widely used over variety…Jan 29, 2022Jan 29, 2022
NGINX as a Reverse ProxyNginx is a web server and also can be used as a reverse proxy.Dec 4, 2019Dec 4, 2019